
ROBOTIS Multi-Purpose Affordable Manipulator

For Educators, Researchers & Industrial Automation 

The MANIPULATOR-H is Dynamixel PRO-based 6 DOF Manipulator. It supports modular structure for easy maintenance, so you can use it for multi-purpose, research and automation. The ArmSDK is based on Windows and Visual Studio. Also, available ROS packages for the MANIPULATOR-H.


ROBOTIS Manipulator-H robotic arm will impress you with its strength and robustness but also its accuracy and dexterity. High precision multi-purpose manipulator endures payload suitable for small to mid-scale operations.

Open Manipulator-PRO

ROBOTIS provides open-source CAD, software, hardware design, and public resources for development of robotic manipulator arms. This robot arm is ROS compatible.


The Manipulator-H robotic arm from ROBOTIS also is the ideal base for teaching advanced programming. Its software environment makes it possible to program the arm using many languages: C++, Java, LabVIEW, C#, etc. You also have access to a comprehensive, open-source C-based code library.

The many features of the robotic arm make it a great system for experimenting with kinematics and dynamics. For the latter, a code library is available with many examples (inverse kinematics, direct kinematics).


Open Manipulator is a versatile platform for anyone interested in exploring motion planning, grasping, kinematics, and mobile manipulation.

Low-Cost Open Manipulator for ROS and Arduino


  • Low Cost, High Repeatability, 500g Max Payload
  • Modular Structure and All-in-One Design
  • Easy to Use with PC or Embedded Boards
  • Open Source Hardware (CAD) and Software (SDK)
  • Low Weight Enables Integration with Mobile Robot Platforms
  • Precision Servo Control (DYNAMIXEL X-Series) with Feedback

MathWorks MATLAB SDK is Available

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