
Editor's view


Articles from various Institutions, Products, Industries 

Screen Free Robotics

Early learning for children 4 years and above

Robotis Play 700

Learn to program using R+Scratch and R+Task

Toys For Learning About Technology

Research indicates we must start early to learn coding

System Design of ROBOTIS Robotics System

Chi Thai, Retired Prof. University of Georgia

A Creative Learning Community, SCRATCH

Programming, Scratch basics

Surgical Robots IIT Madras

Surgical Robot Trainer by IIT Madras

The Autonomous Future

By Ebrahim, Mechatronics Engineer, Mumbai

Dynamixel Smart Actuators

Paul The Robot

London based artist Patrick Tresset

ROS, AI Concepts...

Editor & Publisher
David Johnson

Proof  Reader 
Juliana Sridhar
Sharon David

Media Division, Lockey Hyper Solutions

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